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What are the six axes of the six axis cooperative robot?

  • 󰂾 来源:深圳市华莱机器人科技有限公司
  • 发布日期:2022-08-30
  • 访问量:1007 次
  • 所属栏目:Problem

Six axis robot is the most typical robot configuration. It is mainly composed of joints and links. The robot arm and wrist cooperate to complete the target trajectory movement, and have 6 degrees of freedom in space.

What are the six axes of the six axis cooperative robot?

Generally speaking, a common six axis robot is composed of six joints such as rotation (s-axis), lower arm (l-axis), upper arm (U-axis), wrist rotation (R-axis), wrist swing (b-axis) and wrist rotation (T-axis). The synthesis of the six joints realizes the 6-DOF action of the end, which makes the six axis cooperative robot have many advantages such as high flexibility, large load and high positioning accuracy.

What is the function of each axis of the six axis robot?

Generally speaking, the functions of each axis of the six axis robot mainly include the following aspects:

The first axis: it is the position linking the chassis, and also the bearing and core position. It carries the weight of the whole robot and the large horizontal swing of the robot.

The second axis: it is an important axis for controlling the swing and expansion of the robot.

The third axis: the third axis is also an axis that controls the robot to swing back and forth. However, the swing amplitude is much smaller than the second axis. However, this is also determined by the arm length of the six axis robot.

The fourth axis: the fourth axis is an axis that controls the upper arm to rotate 180 ° freely, which is equivalent to the human forearm.

The fifth axis: the fifth axis is very important. When you have almost adjusted the position and accurately positioned the product, you need to use the fifth axis, which is equivalent to the human wrist.

Sixth axis: when the fifth axis is positioned on the product, it needs some minor changes, so the sixth axis needs to be used. The sixth axis is equivalent to a turntable that can rotate 360 ° horizontally. The product can be more accurately positioned.