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Characteristics of six axis robot

  • 󰂾 来源:深圳市华莱机器人科技有限公司
  • 发布日期:2022-08-30
  • 访问量:1005 次
  • 所属栏目:Company

1. Strong reliability - the six axis industrial robot is robust and durable, the number of parts used is reduced at least, the reliability is strong, and the maintenance interval is long;

2. Fast speed - six axis industrial robot, which optimizes the acceleration and deceleration performance of the robot and reduces the working cycle time of the robot;

3. High precision - stable production quality of parts, with track accuracy and repeated positioning accuracy;

4. Rugged and durable - suitable for harsh production environment;

5. Universality - the six degree of freedom industrial robot has good universality and can be used for a variety of different work tasks. For example, changing the end manipulator (gripper, tool, etc.) of the hand of an industrial robot can perform different work tasks;

6. Programmable - the further development of production automation is flexible automation. The industrial robot can be reprogrammed according to the needs of its working environment, so it can play a good role in the flexible manufacturing process of small batch varieties.